Tuesday, March 29, 2011



i agree with President Obama on the lawbeing unconstitutional, because i feel like every one should have equal rights; gays, whites, blacks, native americans, spanish, handicap individuals, etc. and with that being said, if we say this law is constitutional, as americans, wouldnt we be contradicting what we stand for in the first place? (life, liberity, and the pursuit of happiness)

Thursday, March 24, 2011

My opinion on "anti-abortion."

im not saying anti-abortion is wrong or right. it depends on the persons views and values. most people, that value life is of course going to be against abortion. or if that person is religious based, or had a good heart then they would be against abortion. but on the otherhand, people that have no morals, or have no values would not care about the life or birth of a child. people have the right to do whatever they feel is right, every since the government started making laws so if you want to have an abortion, have at it. if you dont, then dont.! remember, "life, liberty, & the pursuit of happiness."